Kristine Slotina is a Researcher / Techno - Anthropologist / Constructing Architect / BIM Expert at Nordic — Office of Architecture.
At the moment in addition to her job she is doing a PhD at NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Drawing on Techno-Anthropological research perspectives, this PhD aims to explore the effects digitalisation and digital frameworks like VDC (Virtual Design and Construction) has on information exchange between expert groups in the building industry.
Kristine has multidisciplinary background. She is educated in Master of Science in Techno - Anthropology and Bachelor in Architectural Technology and Construction Management and worked as a Contructing Architect, BIM Manager and Acting BIM Director in Nordic - Office of Architecture.
At the moment in addition to her job she is doing a PhD at NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Drawing on Techno-Anthropological research perspectives, this PhD aims to explore the effects digitalisation and digital frameworks like VDC (Virtual Design and Construction) has on information exchange between expert groups in the building industry.
Kristine has multidisciplinary background. She is educated in Master of Science in Techno - Anthropology and Bachelor in Architectural Technology and Construction Management and worked as a Contructing Architect, BIM Manager and Acting BIM Director in Nordic - Office of Architecture.
Kristine has experience with various type of projects starting from Bergen Airport Flesland, Rauma Nursing Home, Comfort Hotel Bergen Airport, Sjetne school, Modern Activity Center - indoor skydiving center and Majorstuen Matro station.
Kristine is qualified to systematically work on the analysis of architectural projects, choice of materials and design. She uses 3D modelling, sketches and drawings to show the design and technical solutions. She regularly uses Dynamo BIM for solving 3D modelling issues, parametric design and Information Modelling. In addition to the digital tools, she enjoys produce high quality hand drawings.
Kirstine has a MSc in Technoanthropology - an interdisciplinary study that combines technology and social studies, and provides insight into the actions, challenges and needs of different cultures. Kristine can support and run processes for technological innovation, user-driven design and product development. She acts as a bridge between the technological experts and the users of the new technology. Techno-Anthropologists are trained in project management, research and development, communication, social responsibility, consulting and marketing.
Kristine is qualified to systematically work on the analysis of architectural projects, choice of materials and design. She uses 3D modelling, sketches and drawings to show the design and technical solutions. She regularly uses Dynamo BIM for solving 3D modelling issues, parametric design and Information Modelling. In addition to the digital tools, she enjoys produce high quality hand drawings.
Kirstine has a MSc in Technoanthropology - an interdisciplinary study that combines technology and social studies, and provides insight into the actions, challenges and needs of different cultures. Kristine can support and run processes for technological innovation, user-driven design and product development. She acts as a bridge between the technological experts and the users of the new technology. Techno-Anthropologists are trained in project management, research and development, communication, social responsibility, consulting and marketing.
Kristine has good project and design management skills. She has managed Nordic's BIM Team as a acting BIM Director. The team consists of 16 talented people and Kristine helped finding the best match between the BIM experts and projects as well as helping her team members to bring out the best of their qualities. Kristine is efficient and self-reliant, yet values team work and is always perceived as a positive and helpful team member.
In 2017, Kristine established a research group in Nordic, Office of Architecture - IN.NORDIC. The research group brings together academics from different areas and provides free access to the flow of knowledge between them in the office.
In 2017, Kristine established a research group in Nordic, Office of Architecture - IN.NORDIC. The research group brings together academics from different areas and provides free access to the flow of knowledge between them in the office.
As part of her free time Kristine enjoys teaching and performing improvised theatre, this has helped her to develop high communication, presentation and teaching skills.
Kristine Slotina er Forsker / Teknoantropolog / Constructing Architect / BIM koordinator i Nordic — Office of Architecture
Akkurat nå jobber hun med en Doktorgrad på NTNU — Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikk.
Basert i tekno-antropologiske forskningsperspektiver, utforsker denne doktorgraden den digitale informasjonsutvekslingen mellom ulike ekspertgrupper i byggebransjen og effektene VDC har på kunnskapsutveksling.
Basert i tekno-antropologiske forskningsperspektiver, utforsker denne doktorgraden den digitale informasjonsutvekslingen mellom ulike ekspertgrupper i byggebransjen og effektene VDC har på kunnskapsutveksling.
Kristine har tverrfaglig bakgrunn. Hun er utdannet Master of Science i Techno - Antropologi og Bachelor i Architectural Technology and Construction Management og jobbet som Contructing Architect, BIM koordinator og BIM-direktør i Nordic - Office of Architecture.
Kristine har erfaring fra forskjellige type prosjekter som Bergen Lufthavn Flesland, Rauma Helsehus, Comfort Hotell Bergen Lufthavn, Sjetne skole, Modern Activity Center - innendørs fallskjermhopping og Majorstuen t-bane stasjon.
Kristine er kvalifisert til å planlegge og koordinere bygge- og anleggsoppdrag og velge arkitektoniske materialer og uttrykk. Hun bruker 3D-modellering, skisser og tegninger for å vise design og tekniske løsninger. Hun bruker regelmessig Dynamo BIM for å løse 3D-modelleringsproblemer, parametrisk design og informasjonsmodellering. I tillegg til den digitale liker hun å produsere håndtegninger av høy kvalitet.
Kristine er kvalifisert til å planlegge og koordinere bygge- og anleggsoppdrag og velge arkitektoniske materialer og uttrykk. Hun bruker 3D-modellering, skisser og tegninger for å vise design og tekniske løsninger. Hun bruker regelmessig Dynamo BIM for å løse 3D-modelleringsproblemer, parametrisk design og informasjonsmodellering. I tillegg til den digitale liker hun å produsere håndtegninger av høy kvalitet.
Kirstine har MSc i Teknoantropologi - et tverrfaglig studie som kombinerer teknologi og samfunnsfag, og gir innsikt i handlinger, utfordringer og behov hos ulike mennesker innen forskjellige kulturer i samfunnet. Kristine kan støtte og drive prosesser for teknologisk innovasjon, brukerstyrt design og produktutvikling. Hun fungerer som brobygger mellom de teknologiske ekspertkulturene og brukerne av den nye teknologien. Teknoantropologer er utdannet innen prosjektledelse, forskning og utvikling, kommunikasjon, samfunnsansvar, rådgivning og markedsføring.
Kristine har gode prosjekt- og designledelsesevner. Hun har ledet Nordics BIM-team som BIM-direktør. Teamet består av 16 dyktige personer og Kristine hjalp til med å finne den beste matchen mellom BIM-ekspertene og prosjektene, i tillegg til å hjelpe teamet sitt med å få ut det beste av deres kvaliteter. Kristine er effektiv og selvstendig, men verdsetter teamarbeid og blir alltid oppfattet som et positivt og hjelpsomt teammedlem.
I 2017 etablerte Kristine en forksninggruppe i Nordic, Office of Architecture - IN.NORDIC. Forksningsgruppen samler akademikere fra forskjellige områder og gir en gratis tilgang til kunnskapsflyt mellom dem på kontoret.
Som en del av fritiden hennes liker Kristine å undervise og spille improvisert teater, og dette har hjulpet henne til å utvikle høye kommunikasjons-, presentasjons- og undervisningsevner.
2013 — now
Nordic — Office of Architecture
Constructing Architect, Techno-Anthropologist, BIM Manager / Coordinator
Nordic — Office of Architecture
Constructing Architect, Techno-Anthropologist, BIM Manager / Coordinator
2016 — 2021
Nordic — Office of Architecture
Leader of the research group inNordic
Nordic — Office of Architecture
Leader of the research group inNordic
University College of Northern Denmark
Information Technology and Revit Lecturer
University College of Northern Denmark
Information Technology and Revit Lecturer
Friis & Moltke
Aalborg, Denmark
Constructing Architect Intern
Friis & Moltke
Aalborg, Denmark
Constructing Architect Intern
2009 — nå
Freelance consultant in BIM
Freelance consultant in BIM
2020 — now
NTNU — Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
NTNU — Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
2008 — 2012
University College of Northern Denmark
Bachelor of Architectural Technology and Construction Management (ATCM)
University College of Northern Denmark
Bachelor of Architectural Technology and Construction Management (ATCM)
Conference Paper
Techno-Anthropological Inquiry into VDC Impact on Expert Collaboration in the AEC Industry -
Interdisciplinary interactions through Virtual Design and Construction (VDC)
eCAADe 2021 - "Towards a new, configurable architecture"
Interdisciplinary interactions through Virtual Design and Construction (VDC)
eCAADe 2021 - "Towards a new, configurable architecture"
Master Thesis
”Exchanging Knowledge in the BIM Environment: How different experts produce and transmit architectural information”
“Ontological Assumptions in Techno-Anthropological Explorations of Online Dialogue through Information Systems”
Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology
Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology
Chapter in
”Changing Shape of Architecture. Further Cases of Integrating Research and Design in Practice.”
Michael U. Hensel, Fredrik Nilsson, 2019
Michael U. Hensel, Fredrik Nilsson, 2019

English, Norwegian, Latvian
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Thank you for you message!I will get back to you as soon as possible! Best wishes, Kristine