(Aug 2022 - Aug 2023)
Working as BIM Responsible and architect.
(Dec 2021 - Aug 2022)
Working as Arch BIM Manager.
(Nov 2021 - Aug 2023)
Working as BIM Responsible and architect.
(Nov 2020 - Jan 2022)
This project is a collaboration between Nordic, Grimshaw, Haptic and STUP. It combines their wide range of experience from Hyderabad, Oslo, Istanbul and Zurich Airports to create modern, innovative and green airport in a reagion known for it's strong cultural roots.
Working as BIM Manager and coordinator for the project.
(Jan 2019 - now)
To fulfill Bergen´s ambitions to create an elderly that not only fullfills the basic needs of it´s inhabitants, but also has architectural qualities 4 volumes were bound together to create a central entrance and common spaces. Each volume includes rooms that offers view of surroundings.
To fulfill Bergen´s ambitions to create an elderly that not only fullfills the basic needs of it´s inhabitants, but also has architectural qualities 4 volumes were bound together to create a central entrance and common spaces. Each volume includes rooms that offers view of surroundings.
Worked as an architect responsible for facade development and construction details. In addition fullfilled the role of architectural BIM responsible.
(Jul 2017 – Dec 2020)
The building consists of a simple volume, with two floors and three courtyards which provide good daylight and an access to outdoor areas. The displacement in the middle of the elongated building indicates a division of the building's main functions, with the 24-hour units to the west, and the outpatient clinic to the east.The functional program has been prepared so that as many functions and specialised rooms as possible may be shared by the various departments.
The project follows the Passive House building standard.
Worked as a BIM consultant
(Mar 2020 – Aug 2020, Aug 2022 – now)
As a part of the 2016 development plan for Akershus University Hospital, a mental health care facility will be located at Ahus Nordbyhagen, near the somatic hospital. In 2019, Nordic was engaged in the conceptual design for the sketch phase with Asplan Viak and Nordconsult as subcontractors. The project includes a large new building for the Adult Psychiatric Centre (VOP), a smaller extension for the Children and Adolescents Psychiatric Centre (BUP), the redevelopment of existing areas, and a new parking garage.Worked as BIM manager
(Sep 2017 – May 2019)
Firkanten is a new office building centrally located in Bodø, close to the city center and access roads. Our architectural vision is to create a modern, high-quality office building with a bright, inviting interior. Firkanten has a strong identity with carefully selected materials such as natural stone, concrete, glass and timber.Worked on the early details and solutions for the facade.
and as a BIM manager
and as a BIM manager
(May 2017 – May 2019)
Norways largest wind tunner reaches 27 meters over and 10 meters under ground. With a airspeed up to 300 km/h it is possible to experience how it is to fly. The wind speed offers a simulation for the skydiving experience in free fall. The wind tunnel offers both flying for proferianals and everyone else would like to experience a feeling of flying!
I worked as an architect from the sketch phase up until the final delivery on the building site in close collaboration with Eskild Andersen.
(Aug 2018 – Oct 2018)
The new high-end hotel and apartment complex Fyri Hemsedal is situated at nearly 700 meters above sea level, in direct connection to the alpine slopes of Hemsedal ski resort. The complex includes approximately 150 apartments and 140 hotel rooms, a sky bar, a restaurant and large conference facilities, making it the first conference hotel in Hemsedal.Worked as BIM consultant
(Feb 2016 – Sep 2018)
Holistic health care. When the municipality of Rauma decided to build the most effective and modern healthcare facility in the country, they chose Nordic. In addition to housing many different health care services, the new health care center will incorporate 90 housing units for people who need assistance on a daily basis.
Worked as an architect on construction details - designing mostly facade solutions, detailing and the main staircase.
In addition fullfilled the role of BIM coordinator.
(Sep 2017 – Jan 2018)
Sjetne School is inspired by Trondheim´s vision to create a school that inspires. A Achool that is pedagogical, social and cultural resource for both the sudents, teachers and the locals living close by.
Worked mostly with facade design and exterior detailing.
(Nov 2015 – Jul 2016)
It includes 300 rooms over three floors as well as all other hotel facilities. Conference centre, restaurant, lobby bar, fitness centre and kitchen area is located on the ground floor, while car parking spaces, deliveries, storage and utility rooms will be under ground.The concept is based on a compact and free form, where the building is wrapped around an open courtyard, providing the hotel functions on the ground floor with good lighting conditions.
Worked as BIM responsible
(Aug 2015 – Nov 2015)
Nordic — Office of Architecture, in collaboration with Haptic Architects, have been appointed by the Norwegian airport authority, Avinor, to design a new airport in Mo i Rana in the north of Norway.The airport will provide a gateway to the region, improving connections and business development for the local community, as well as attracting tourists to see the midnight sun and northern lights.
Worked as BIM Manager and Coordinator
(Aug 2015 – Nov 2015)
Worked as BIM manager and Constructing Architect.(Aug 2013 – Apr 2019)
New Terminal building in Bergen Aiport, Flesland, access to the landside and connection to the metro. Existing terminal extension and renovation.
Working as Constructing Architect and BIM coordinator.
(Aug 2022 - Aug 2023)
Working as BIM Responsible and architect.
(Dec 2021 - Aug 2022)
Working as Arch BIM Manager.
(Nov 2021 - Aug 2023)
Working as BIM Responsible and architect.
(Nov 2020 - Jan 2022)
I dette prosjektet samler Nordic, Grimshaw, Haptic og STUP sin omfattende erfaring fra flyplasser som Hyderabad, Oslo, Istanbul og Zurich, for å skape en moderne, innovativ og grønn flyplass, i en region med en stolt og sterk historie og kultur.
Working as BIM Manager and coordinator for the project.
(Jan 2019 - nå)
For å lage til grunn Bergen kommunes ambisjoner om å skape et godt sykehjem med arkitektoniske kvaliteter var 4 volumer knyttet sammen om et sentralt adkomst og oppholdsrom. Hvert volum inneholder en boenhet og hver boenhet er utformet med tanke på optimale sol og utsiktsforhold.
For å lage til grunn Bergen kommunes ambisjoner om å skape et godt sykehjem med arkitektoniske kvaliteter var 4 volumer knyttet sammen om et sentralt adkomst og oppholdsrom. Hvert volum inneholder en boenhet og hver boenhet er utformet med tanke på optimale sol og utsiktsforhold.
Worked as an architect responsible for facade development and construction details. In addition fullfilled the role of architectural BIM responsible.
(Jul 2017 – Dec 2020)
The building consists of a simple volume, with two floors and three courtyards which provide good daylight and an access to outdoor areas. The displacement in the middle of the elongated building indicates a division of the building's main functions, with the 24-hour units to the west, and the outpatient clinic to the east.The functional program has been prepared so that as many functions and specialised rooms as possible may be shared by the various departments.
The project follows the Passive House building standard.
Jobbet som BIM konsulent
(Mar 2020 – Aug 2020, Aug 2022 – nå)
As a part of the 2016 development plan for Akershus University Hospital, a mental health care facility will be located at Ahus Nordbyhagen, near the somatic hospital. In 2019, Nordic was engaged in the conceptual design for the sketch phase with Asplan Viak and Nordconsult as subcontractors. The project includes a large new building for the Adult Psychiatric Centre (VOP), a smaller extension for the Children and Adolescents Psychiatric Centre (BUP), the redevelopment of existing areas, and a new parking garage.Worked as BIM manager
(Sep 2017 – May 2019)
Firkanten is a new office building centrally located in Bodø, close to the city center and access roads. Our architectural vision is to create a modern, high-quality office building with a bright, inviting interior. Firkanten has a strong identity with carefully selected materials such as natural stone, concrete, glass and timber.Worked on the early details and solutions for the facade.
and as a BIM manager
and as a BIM manager
(Mai 2017 – Mai 2019)
Vindtunellen Gardermoen strekker 27 meter over og 10 meter under bakken. Med en luftstrøm med hastigheter opp mot 300 km/t en kan oppleve å fly. Vindhastigheten simuleres opplevelsen for en fallskjermhopper i fritt fall. I vindtunnelen kan både proffe fallskjermhoppere og vanlige mennesker oppleve følelsen av å fly!
I worked as an architect from the sketch phase up until the final delivery on the building site in close collaboration with Eskild Andersen.
(Aug 2018 – Oct 2018)
The new high-end hotel and apartment complex Fyri Hemsedal is situated at nearly 700 meters above sea level, in direct connection to the alpine slopes of Hemsedal ski resort. The complex includes approximately 150 apartments and 140 hotel rooms, a sky bar, a restaurant and large conference facilities, making it the first conference hotel in Hemsedal.
Worked as BIM consultant
(Feb 2016 – Sep 2018)
Holistic health care. When the municipality of Rauma decided to build the most effective and modern healthcare facility in the country, they chose Nordic. In addition to housing many different health care services, the new health care center will incorporate 90 housing units for people who need assistance on a daily basis.
Worked as an architect on construction details - designing mostly facade solutions, detailing and the main staircase.
In addition fullfilled the role of BIM coordinator.
(Sep 2017 – Jan 2018)
Nye Sjetne skole er inspirert av Trondheim kommunes visjon om å skape en god og inspirerende skole. En skole som er en pedagogisk, sosial og kulturell ressurs både for elevene, lærere og nærmiljøet rundt.
Worked mostly with facade design and exterior detailing.
(Nov 2015 – Jul 2016)
It includes 300 rooms over three floors as well as all other hotel facilities. Conference centre, restaurant, lobby bar, fitness centre and kitchen area is located on the ground floor, while car parking spaces, deliveries, storage and utility rooms will be under ground.
The concept is based on a compact and free form, where the building is wrapped around an open courtyard, providing the hotel functions on the ground floor with good lighting conditions.
The concept is based on a compact and free form, where the building is wrapped around an open courtyard, providing the hotel functions on the ground floor with good lighting conditions.
Worked as BIM responsible
(Aug 2015 – Nov 2015)
Nordic — Office of Architecture, in collaboration with Haptic Architects, have been appointed by the Norwegian airport authority, Avinor, to design a new airport in Mo i Rana in the north of Norway.
The airport will provide a gateway to the region, improving connections and business development for the local community, as well as attracting tourists to see the midnight sun and northern lights.
The airport will provide a gateway to the region, improving connections and business development for the local community, as well as attracting tourists to see the midnight sun and northern lights.
Worked as BIM Manager and Coordinator
(Aug 2015 – Nov 2015)
Worked as BIM manager and Constructing Architect.
(Aug 2013 – Apr 2019)
Nytt terminalområde på Bergen Lufthavn, Flesland, nytt tilførselssystem på landside med vei og bybane, ombygging av eksisterende terminal.
Jobbet som arkitekt og BIM koordinator.
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Thank you for you message!I will get back to you as soon as possible! Best wishes, Kristine